In 2012, Tinybeans launched as a private photo-sharing app designed to help families share moments with each other. Within about a year, the app had reached more than one million memories uploaded, and in 2016 Tinybeans saw their first million registered users. "To help achieve that scale, Tinybeans uses a freemium model," explains Chief Content & Revenue Officer Nina Lawrence. "We offer a free, ad-supported service which makes up about 85% of our revenue, and the rest is from our premium subscription service."
About the Publisher
Tinybeans is a photosharing app and parenting community, helping families stay connected and get inspired. The app has over 50,000 5 star reviews and has helped millions of families create and share their memories. Nina Lawrence joined the Tinybeans team in May 2020 as their Chief Content & Revenue Officer and Marshall Massey leads the digital operations team at Tinybeans as the Senior Director of Revenue Operations.