In 2008, third grader Samantha Shank told her parents that she wasn't challenged enough in school and she wanted to try homeschooling. With a love of history and lots of motivation, Samantha began self-learning different subjects through high school. Throughout that time, Samantha amassed learning resources and wanted to share them. "When I was fourteen," she recalls, "I started my website, Learn in Color, as a creative outlet. I compiled my homeschooling resources and favorite historical stories to share with others who might be interested." Samantha shares. Over the years, she filled Learn in Color with all things homeschooling, from age-appropriate book lists to worksheets and resources for learning math, science, art, history, and other subjects. "My mission," she says, "is to create hands-on learning activities and to help students make connections with the world around them. I create resources to help students be in charge of their own learning."
About the Publisher
Samantha Shank is the CEO and Founder of Learn in Color, a website to help make learning easy and fun for students and teachers. Samantha founded Learn in Color at age 14 as a way to share homeschool experiences with others and has grown her audience to over three million learners.